Joseph Elefante , Texas Tech University
Full bio
Joseph is currently a student in the Ph.D. program in Educational Leadership Policy at Texas Tech University. He received his M.A. in Educational Leadership from Montclair State University. His research interests primarily center on arts and whole child education advocacy and holistic methods of measuring student success, teacher evaluations, and school quality. He is also interested in investigating the long-term outcomes of arts and noncognitive skill development and developing methods of measuring quality arts and noncognitive education in school settings.
In addition to his doctoral studies, he is currently the Supervisor of Fine & Performing Arts, Family & Consumer Science, and Business Education for a mid-size suburban school district in northeastern NJ.
Amy Cummings, Michigan State University
Full bio
Amy Cummings is a doctoral student studying education policy at Michigan State University (MSU) and a graduate research assistant at the Education Policy Innovation Collaborative. Her research interests include instructional policies, and her work at EPIC focuses on evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of Michigan’s third-grade reading law. Prior to beginning her studies at MSU, Amy worked as a research associate in education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute and as a high school social studies teacher in Columbia, Missouri. She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Missouri and a master’s in cognitive science in education from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Diana Quintero
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