The Association for Education Finance & Policy, a non-profit academic association, is hiring a Graduate Assistant for the 2022 – 2023 academic year. This person will be a key member of the AEFP team, working directly with the Executive Director of AEFP on administrative tasks and on key activities in support of the strategic goals and objectives of the association. Job duties include, but are not limited to: 

Marketing & Communication

  • Work with Executive Director to develop an annual communications strategy, including email, social media, newsletters, and other outreach methods 
  • Develop master calendar for social media content and coordinate with social media intern 
  • Enter newsletters and all emails into the template 
  • Copywriting and proofreading for communications as needed 
  • Schedule out all emails through automatic system 

Programming Assistance 

  • Prepare Zoom links for all events 
  • Manage calendar for all conference deadlines, events, community group events, etc. 
  • Create and enter data for attendance details with all events 
  • Send out targeted communications about AEFP initiatives to colleges/universities, schools, etc. to bolster new interest in AEFP 


  • Assist with general AEFP email and answer inquiries 
  • Assist with answering general AEFP phone calls 
  • Assist with administering various systems, including our website platform, conference proposal system, and conference app/general system
  • Preparing reports and conducting limited data analysis (ie. conference proposals, registrations, etc.) 
  • Administrative tasks, including receipt tracking, file management, and others as needed

Other Details

  • Work location is flexible. All work will be done remotely. 
  • This position will start in July or August 2022
  • Hours are flexible. The majority of the year this person will work between 10 – 15 hours per week (greater work concentration in January through March). The week of the AEFP conference (always in March) will require in-person work at the conference site (held in different cities across the U.S.) for a full 40-hour work week. AEFP will cover all travel costs associated with the conference. 

Application Details

To apply, please submit a resume and cover letter to Lydia Ross at