The goal of AEFP’s Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship Program is to provide opportunities for individuals who have not yet applied to doctoral programs to learn more about education finance and policy research and to help them navigate the process of applying to doctoral programs. Eligible participants include current undergraduates, master’s students, and other college graduates (i.e., not limited to current students) who are considering applying to a doctoral program (but have not yet applied) and who identify with a group underrepresented in AEFP’s membership: e.g., scholars of color, first-generation students, and LGBTQ+.
Through this initiative, AEFP will provide financial support for students to attend the conference. This will allow students to attend paper and poster sessions, policy talks, special programming for participants, and networking events. The fellowships will cover membership and registration costs for the 46th annual conference. Those not selected as a fellow, will still be invited to participate as a program affiliate. During the conference, students will participate in specialized programming to discuss navigating the graduate school application process and other targeted education finance and policy topics. Further, students will attend a diverse scholars networking reception. Fellows will also attend general programming, including policy talks, poster sessions, and paper sessions. Students will be selected via a competitive application process.
Recent graduates are eligible to apply. Current students enrolled in a doctoral degree program are not eligible.
Program Timeline
- Application deadline: December 31, 2021
- Notification of decision: mid-January 2022
- Kickoff meeting: Early March 2022
Application Details
Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellows Application Form
Meet Pre-doc fellows alumni