Roe L. Johns was a pioneer in school finance and was a long time professor of Education Administration at the University of Florida. He was active in the state of Alabama early in his career and then in Florida, working on Education Finance issues. Roe L. Johns was one of the founders of Association for Education Finance and Policy (formerly American Education Finance Association) and became AEFP’s first president in 1975.
Roe L. John Grants are need based conference grants awarded to graduate students in the area of education finance and policy who present papers at AEFP’s Annual Conference. This year students are eligible to receive up to $400 to cover conference costs.
The following criteria are used to determine who will receive travel grants:
- Grants will prioritized for individuals who are presenting a paper or participating in a poster session at the AEFP Annual Conference. Students presenting papers in sessions will be given priority over students presenting posters, but if funding permits, AEFP will provide travel grants to students presenting posters. Note that if a paper is co-authored, only the presenter(s) is/are eligible for the award. Papers may have more than one presenter.
- Priority is given to those who have no other source of funds to finance travel to the conference. The application requires a short note from the student’s main faculty advisor substantiating that the student does not have access to other funds to support conference engagement.
To apply for funds, you will need to complete the application form at the link below:
Application Deadline:
- Deadline: December 31, 2021
- Award announcements will be made in January 2022
If you have any questions, please contact AEFP at