The Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) is a dynamic organization for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners tackling the most important education finance and policy issues of the day across the spectrum from early childhood to postsecondary and beyond. AEFP offers opportunities for members to engage with one another around rigorous research that can inform education finance and policy decisions. Our interdisciplinary membership is committed to generating and communicating knowledge that is intellectually rigorous and practically useful.
AEFP is committed to being an intellectual community that fosters and welcomes diversity of opinions across multiple disciplinary, methodological, and contextual backgrounds. We strive to welcome scholars and practitioners across all experience levels whose research and practice are based in disciplines, methods, and contexts that may or may not have been traditionally valued and advanced in education policymaking. Ultimately, we strive to improve education policy so that all students have access to educational opportunities and are given the means to succeed in school and their lives.
Mission Statement
The Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) is dedicated to the promotion of research and partnerships that can inform education policy and finance and improve education outcomes. The AEFP promotes its mission by:
- Encouraging intellectually rigorous education finance and policy-related inquiry and scholarship capable of improving understanding and practice.
- Disseminating theoretical and practically useful knowledge.
- Stimulating responsible public and professional deliberation and debate regarding findings, practical policy applications, and research methods.
- Expanding the spectrum of scholars and practitioners from multiple intellectual disciplines and professional fields examining education finance and policy.
- Welcoming early career scholars and practitioners into conversations about education finance and policy and fostering an atmosphere of inclusion and respect.
- Centering justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the work of the organization to ensure that all voices are heard and valued in discourse related to education finance and policy.
- Encouraging development and expansion of an international and interdisciplinary community of scholars, policy analysts, and professional practitioners concerned with education finance and policy as a field of scholarship and professional activity.